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September 7, 2021

So Al Shank Sez……..Save money by Bundling!!

So as we celebrate our 80th anniversary at Al Shank Insurance, let’s talk about SAVING YOU MONEY. You probably have heard about the money that can be saved if you bundle your homeowners and auto insurance together. We have more insurance companies that can bundle your homeowners and auto together than about any agency in the area. Allstate, Travelers, Farmers Alliance, Safeco, Hartford, Encompass, State Auto, and now, Progressive will all save you money when you bundle. That’s right, we now have access to Progressive’s homeowners insurance product too.

Bundling has become a big thing…….although some companies have done it for years, there are others that just started. Progressive, as an example is one. They don’t offer their homeowners product to every agency that they are contracted with but ASI is lucky enough to be one and we can bundle with them as well. We are blessed to partner with the insurance companies we do. They are the best and the brightest in the industry. Most have been around a long time and Al Shank Insurance has represented most of them for at least a decade. In the case of Allstate our contract goes back to 1979. Progressive has contracted with us for over 2 decades and Travelers since 1942, the year after ASI started. 

The other day we had a client tell us that those long contracts were better for us than for him. We asked why and he said that those long contracts allowed us to just place  his insurance the easiest way we could and that was a disadvantage to him. I was really surprised to hear that and and I must admit it did make me think, but I reached the same conclusion. Easy also works for you…..our clients. One of the advantages to us having companies we have represented a long time is we have built a  special relationship with them and in many cases they have named us as one of their preferred agents. While that is a nice honor for us it also means that we carry special weight with them and that translates to better service for you. For all clients, whether you are a personal insurance client or a business client, we review your account every year looking at your coverages, pricing and the company that insures you. If any of those is “off” we will recommend a change to benefit you. What was the best price when we first wrote your policy may not be later. What was the best company to insure you with may or may not be the best on down the road or right now, for that matter. Things change as does your insurance. So we will contact you when that happens, but you feel free to contact us anytime you have a question or think there is something we can do better. Your insurance is not a static thing. We don’t treat it as such. Just like your insurance may change from time, your life does too, as does your business, if you own one.  

So call us. We here for today….and tomorrow….Al Shank Insurance…. for 80 years…..Insurance as it should be from people you trust.

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