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Al Shank Sez…….Kids these days!!
April 7, 2022

Al Shank Sez…….Kids these days!!

Al Shank sez……. Ever watch kids navigate around techonology? It can be down right impressive and scary all at the same time. How much smarter can they get? And how do you help those kids and grandkids of yours take full advantage in the future? How about life insurance? Guarantee they can get that education they need to be successful by insuring yourself. If you’re not around, how will they pay for that education? At Al Shank Insurance we have a variety of plans to fit your needs from inexpensive term insurance to universal life that builds equity for you.

In 1941, Al Shank Sr. started our agency just on life insurance sales. New York Life was the company he used and he was always a top producer for them. In fact, he went through one stretch where he sold 100 policies in 100 days. Sure the amounts of coverage where smaller in those days but  ask anyone that sells life insurance today and they will tell you “100 in 100” would be hard to duplicate. Dad started into insurance because while dating my Mom he had heard how life insurance how allowed  my Grandmother to keep her house and raise my Mom and her five siblings all during the Great Depression. In 1931 my Grandfather passed away from a heart attack and had life insurance. Al Shank Sr. never forgot that lesson and decided to found Al Shank Insurance because of it.

So call Al Shank Insurance as asked to talk to Rhonda, Denise, or Al to see what life insurance can do. Al Shank Insurance……Insurance as it should be from people you trust.

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