Al Shank Sez…………….Keating Antique Tractors….Saturday…in Liberal…where there is nothing to do!
It’s almost here…..This Saturday Al Shank Insurance says go support our friends at the 6th Annual Keating Tractor and Equipment Antique Tractor Show and Competition. Also note that new this year to the show is the Kansas City Barbeque Society Competition.
Word is that Russ Keating, President of Keating Tractor and Equipment was a little skeptical at first of the popularity of just such a thing. In fact he just couldn’t believe that anyone would want to go look at “old, wornout tractors”. Well Russ is a believer now. The estimated attendance last year of 3,000 and they are hoping for 5,000 this weekend. It is always amazing that people think there is nothing to do in Liberal, KS. There is plenty to do in Liberal. Just in August in addition to the Keating Antique Tractor Show there was the Seward County 5 State Fair, the Seward County PRCA Rodeo, the Redskin Bash, another installment of Food Truck Saturdays, about 4 golf tournaments (most open to anyone), and the very first ever Seward County Community College Men’s and Women’s soccer games.
So the Tractor Show should be a blast…and if you miss it, you’ve missed one more thing in Liberal where there is nothing to do….and don’t forget at Al Shank Insurance we have quite a “blast” when you let us give you a quote on your insurance…..Al Shank Insurance….Insurance has it should be from people you trust.
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