August 2, 2023
Al Shank Sez……Advertising Works…….Thanks Kelly Knutson
So does advertising work?? Yes….at Al Shank Insurance we have proof. We recently go a letter from Kelly Knutson in Minnesota. Enclosed was the 1956 wallet calendar from Albert (Al) Shank. Kelly purchased a 1948 Studebaker Starlight Coupe as a restoration job. During the process of tearing it down he found the wallet calendar in a backseat arm rest. The car was originally purchased in Oklahoma and then resold or taken to Liberal. The family he brought it from said they bought it in Liberal. Kelly told his wife “I’m going to see if I can find a relative of Albert (Al) Shank.” She replied back…”good luck with that.” Obviously he found Al Shank Insurance.
People have been great over the years to return any advertisting items to us that they have a connection somehow to Al Shank Insurance. We’ve gotten ash trays, rulers. calendars, old phone books, newspapers and other items. The most popular thing we get back are the cards that say “I read something about you.” Inside is usually a clipping of something the person or a family member did that was in the local paper. I remember Dad would set down on the family room floor with his scissors every night during the week, go through the Southwest Daily times (as it was known then), cut out clippings and take them to the office for someone on staff to tape in one of the cards. Then they went back to Dad they would go where he signed everyone and out in the mail they went. It was by far one of the most popular things he did and people fondly relate stories of receiving a “clipping” several times a year to me or someone at ASI.
By the way, now back to that Studebaker, we have insurance for about any vehicle you might drive from a
1948 Studebaker to the newest 2023 models. Call us at 620 624 2559. Al Shank Insurance… as it should be from people you trust.

Kelly, Thanks so much for returning this piece of ASI history.
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