October 23, 2023
alshankinsAl Shank Sez……………Here’s to EMC
So have you ever noticed how longevity doesn’t seem to count for much these days? At Al Shank Insurance we have. So it was really nice to get a visit the other day from one of our long term company partners, Employers Mutual (EMC) recognizing ASI for being a partner with them for 50 years. […]
September 14, 2023
alshankinsAl Shank Sez……..480 Student Accident Insurance
At Al Shank Insurance we will help complete your shopping for the school year. If you have a student in District 480 we offer STUDENT ACCIDENT COVERAGE for individual students. The plan is an accident plan and can be written to cover your student 24 hours a day including while they are at school or […]
August 23, 2023
alshankinsAl Shank Sez…………….Keating Antique Tractors….Saturday…in Liberal…where there is nothing to do!
It’s almost here…..This Saturday Al Shank Insurance says go support our friends at the 6th Annual Keating Tractor and Equipment Antique Tractor Show and Competition. Also note that new this year to the show is the Kansas City Barbeque Society Competition. Word is that Russ Keating, President of Keating Tractor and Equipment was a little […]
August 16, 2023
alshankinsAt Al Shank Insurance….Henry Ford Sez….
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” Henry Ford As a new school year begins, we thought we’d share a timely reminder for us (ahem) older folks that learning shouldn’t end once the tassel […]
August 2, 2023
alshankinsAl Shank Sez……Advertising Works…….Thanks Kelly Knutson
So does advertising work?? Yes….at Al Shank Insurance we have proof. We recently go a letter from Kelly Knutson in Minnesota. Enclosed was the 1956 wallet calendar from Albert (Al) Shank. Kelly purchased a 1948 Studebaker Starlight Coupe as a restoration job. During the process of tearing it down he found the wallet calendar in […]